Setting Database Configuration

RevMax supports the use of either a single database/instance (local or remote), or simple replication (a single master server replicating to 1 or more slave servers). The following will demonstrate how to setup each option in the RevMax database.ini configuration file.

On this page:


  • Connection credentials are set in the /RevMax/Config/database.ini file.
  • Each server/instance has a preceding section marker (text within square brackets) used to declare which server/instance the values are assigned to.
  • 'master' is required for both options.

Single Database Setup

  • Values are set under the 'master' section marker.
  • Leave the 'slave_*' sections commented out (including the section markers.)

Replication Setup

  • There can be only 1 master, and it is required.
  • There can be any number of slaves.
  • Slave section markers must be formatted like 'slave_*' where * is the sequential number → slave_1, slave_2, etc. Start with 1, increment, and do not skip numbers.
  • Slaves will "fail over" to other slaves (and eventually the master) if a connection fails.

Config File Examples

Unfilled (Supplied Default)

Single Database


Master/Slave - multiple slaves