Offers Tab

This tab is where offers can be managed for the campaign.

Adding Offers to Campaigns

There are 4 ways to add offers to a campaign;

  1. Create New Offer - this will create a new offer and then add it to the campaign.
    1. Offer Name: the offer name.
    2. Offer URL: the offer url link.
    3. Payout: default offer payout. Can be overridden by "payout" parameter on conversion postback.
    4. Tracking Parameter: default tracking parameter the RevMax tracking id should populate.
    5. Auto-append: check to automatically append the parameter and RevMax tracking id macro to offer url.
    6. Vendor: the advertiser or affiliate network the offer came from. *This option will only display of there are existing Vendors. See Vendors for more information.
    7. Vertical: the custom vertical(s) the offer is assigned to. *This option will only display of there are existing Verticals. See Verticals for more information.
    8. Macros: a list and description of macros which can be added to offer links. See Offer Macro Widget for more information.
  2. Add Existing Offer - use to add an existing offer to the campaign.
  3. Add Offer Group - this will add an offer group to the campaign. See Offer Groups for more information.
  4. Copy Offers from Campaign - shortcut option to add offers already assigned to other campaigns in bulk.
  • Offers are added to a campaign as the last offer number, with status as active and the weight set to 0.
  • If any of the import options (Add Offer, Add Offer Group, Add from Campaign) do not display, they either do not exist or have already been added to the campaign.

Managing Campaign Offers

  1. The offer group or offer name. This line is linkable to the appropriate group or master offer.
  2. Click and hold the green vertical arrows to drag and drop the offer for reordering. This occurs and is set in real time. Clicking update is not necessary.
  3. Individually delete offers or groups. This occurs and is set in real time. Clicking update is not necessary.
  4. For groups, this will show the number of offers in the applicable group.
  5. Append data to ALL of the offer urls in this group.
  6. The master offer link. This is uneditable here and any changes must be done in the master offer.
  7. The master offer payout. This is uneditable here and any changes must be done in the master offer.
  8. Append data to this specific offer url.
  9. Click to omit from rotation. Clicking this will also set the weight to 0.
  10. Weight for rotation. Setting to 0 will omit from rotation. However, clicking the scale (evening out offer weights) will include this offer unless Do Not Rotate is checked.
  11. The offer's vendor. This is uneditable here and any changes must be done in the master offer. Click the vendor to proceed to the Vendor's edit page.
  12. The offer's vertical. This is uneditable here and any changes must be done in the master offer. Click the vertical to proceed to the Vertical's edit page.
  13. This sets the offer's status in the campaign only. Options are Active, Inactive, or Delete on Update. 
  14. Click to even out offer weights. This will apply to all offers and groups where "Do Not Rotate" in unchecked, even if the weight is currently set to 0.

After changes are made to weights and status, click the update button at the bottom to save.

Display Options

  1. Tab Refresh Icon - refreshes the individual tab. May be necessary if information is changed elsewhere and the new data is needed (new offers, groups, master offer changes, etc.)
  2. Click to expand or collapse the adding offers options. This setting is stored by campaign and user.
  3. Click to expand the full macro list. See Offer Macro Widget for more information.
  4. If checked, inactive offers will be shown. This option is disabled if there are no inactive offers. This setting is stored by campaign and user.
  5. If checked, all offers will be displayed colapsed. Note that individual offers may still be expanded for viewing. This setting is stored by campaign and user.
  6. Click to expand or collapse individual offers for viewing.

Offer Macro Widget

The offer macro widget has a list of supported macros that can be added to offer urls. 

  1. Click to expand or collapse the widget.
  2. Clicking the macro will automatically add the macro to the last cursor position in the Offer URL text field. This is only used when creating offers.
  3. Clicking the icon next to the macro will copy the macro to clipboard.
  4. Collapse the widget.