
In RevMax, custom filters can be set up to filter traffic and clicks from stats, block clicks, and/or redirect traffic. Filtering criteria include ip addresses, ip address ranges, user agent segments, and referrer segments.

  1. Filter Name
  2. Campaign: Optional select a specific campaign for the filter. All campaigns creates a global filter.
  3. Filter Action: Options are Filter Click and Block Clicks.
    1. Filter Clicks acts as a normal click, but not recorded in the stats. 
    2. Block Clicks will either send the click to a 404 Not Found page, or to a url designated in #9, Redirect URL. This URL can be overridden at the campaign level.
  4. Filter Target: What you want to filter on. Options are IP Address, IP Address Range, User Agent, or Referrer. 
  5. IP Address: Enter single IP or CIDR block. 
  6. IP Address Range: Enter a range of IP Addresses. Start and end IPs are required.
  7. User Agent: Search segments for user agents entered here. Separate multiple by pipes > |
  8. Referrer: Search segments for referrers entered here. Separate multiple by pipes > |
  9. Redirect URL: If Block Clicks is selected above, optionally enter a URL to send these clicks to. Leaving it blank will result in a redirect to a 404 Not Found page.
  10. Status: Active or Inactive.
  11. Details:
  12. Table displaying created filters and pertinent information.

Dev Request - make filter assignable to campaigns and offers. Status: in cue